Saturday, September 28, 2024

Staying In The Calm As Emotional Storms Arise

Staying In The Calm As Emotional Storms Arise

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on September 28, 2024

The “Eclipse Season” is reaching its crescendo as October 2nd approaches on next Wednesday, and as the “Solar Eclipse” in the balancing sign of Libra arrives which is in conjunction with the “South Lunar Node” that represents what must be released before moving forward on plans, projects, needs, and desires, can occur which is the work of the “North Node” in Aries.

The “Nodes” are always opposite each other. The “Nodes” are points in the cosmos where our Moon’s orbital path intersects the ecliptic.

The “North Node” is where our Moon moves into the northern ecliptic hemisphere, and the “South Node” is where our Moon enters the south ecliptic hemisphere.

In the Vedic/Sidereal system, the “North Node” is called “Rahu”, and the “South Node” is called “Ketu”. In Chinese Astrology, these are known as the “Head” (North Node) and “Tail” (South Node) of “The Dragon”.

Symbolically, Rahu’s symbol is a royal scepter, and its animal is a Black Lion. Ketu’s symbol is a spear, and its animal is a vulture.

At birth, everyone has a particular “North Node” and “South Node” placement; however, all people are influenced by what I refer to as the “Universal North and South Nodes” regardless of their individual birth times.

Yet, there are some signs which at certain times are more prone to various potentially challenging happenings occurring due to the “Universal” nodal axis, and for the particular “Nodes” at this time, these signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn—the “Cardinal” points.

Aries conjuncts the “Universal North Node” but opposes the “Universal South Node”. Cancer squares both “Nodes”. Libra conjuncts the “South Node” but opposes the “North Node”. Capricorn squares both “Nodes”.

For those who have their natal charts, they should refer to where (which astrological house) the “Nodes” are transiting, and this will give insight as to what needs releasing and where new starts are possible.

Wherever the “South Node” is, as mentioned above, is where letting go is a requirement so that the “North Node” can manifest. It is necessary, of course, to know what each “house” characterizes. For those who have yet to have their natal charts erected, I recommend that they consult an expert “Astrologer” or “Cosmic Scientist” NOW! Conditions on our planet Earth require knowledge of the COSMIC HOLY BOOK.

Realize that a natal chart analysis is not something that can be done in a few minutes. It takes at least two hours or more to make the novice in “Astrology” or “Cosmic Science” understand even just a few vital points in a general sense as well as in their personal charts. It takes many decades of study for people to be considered as qualified “Astrologers” or “Cosmic Scientists”.

The Tropical/Western system must be studied as well as the Vedic/Sidereal system and the “Hapetseba” (“The Story of the Soul in the Heavens”) of ancient Kemet.

Most people are most familiar with the Tropical/Western system, and it is indeed quite accurate—especially for those persons who were born and raised in the Western world because vibrational levels of consciousness are attuned to it.

The Cardinal signs mentioned above may need to pay more careful attention to events going on around them at work, at home, and in their community. Everyone will need to pay attention to world events.

Considering all of the foregoing, looking at Pluto being at its critical 29th degree in Capricorn which is in square to both the “North Node” and the “South Node”, and considering that the USA has its natal Pluto in Capricorn and is thus experiencing its “Pluto Return”, major drama can be expected (and has already occurred) in all that Capricorn represents and which has been previously mentioned but shall be done so again: corporate structures, businesses, social agencies, politics, educational institutions, the military, and the police.

By the time that Pluto moves into Aquarius on November 20th this year for a 20-year stay, there will already have been chaos, protests, and social upheaval which will affect the entire globe.

Aquarius is the sign that is oriented towards group ideology, rebellion, revolution, and demands for justice. This will be the shout around the world. To obtain an idea of what has yet to occur in the USA, study what was happening in the USA between the years 1776 to 1778. Very similar drama will unfold.

Pluto began its most recent visit in Capricorn in 2008, and then earlier this year, it jumped up into Aquarius to give us an “introduction” before it moved back into Capricorn at its final 26, 27, 28, and now 29th critical degree. It will be 2044 before Pluto packs up and moves on to Pisces.

Along the way, there will be changes on this planet that will be both wonderfully amazing but also horrifically concerning. Powerful solar flares, CMEs, and other cosmic surges will occur as human collective consciousness will seem to activate their needed intensified cleansings and illuminations of the bio-photonic network of planetary and human cellular records. For the various paths that are most known today, Friday sunset to Saturday sunset will be the most important SHABATT in Kaballah and in Judaism.

Today will also be the most important JUMMAH in Islam. Sunday will be the most important CONGREGATIONAL SERVICE or MASS in Christianity.

In Sanatana Dharma, this entire weekend will be the most important prior to next Wednesday’s “Solar Eclipse”. The theme of each spiritual gathering should be RELEASING PAST DISHARMONIES AND MOVING INTO A VITAL COLLECTIVE HUMAN FUTURE.

At home, people can spend time writing down what the truly know they need to release and what has been needing letting go of for a long while on a sheet of paper.

Then they should tear the paper and burn it to symbolically release what has been dealt with for far too long into the annals of history.

Then they should write down what their future needs and desires are and symbolically “mail” it into the DIVINE REALMS by placing it between the covers of the preferred holy book so that it can be periodically taken out and read so as to hold onto the faith that SOURCE is working everything out for our good because SOURCE is UNALTERABLE GOODNESS.

They should also meditate to receive guidance on how to move forward using the free will that has been gifted by SOURCE.

As another reminder, this particular time period has two overlapping portals: the “Lunar Eclipse” and the “Solar Eclipse” represent one portal, but the “Autumnal and Vernal Equinoxes” coming between the eclipses is another portal, and each portal—which has also been pointed out in previous discourses—has an approximate six-month play-out.

Together, the eclipses and the equinoxes are extremely potent messages—both for individuals and for the collective.

We have been advised more than once to store-up on food, water, wellness supplements, and spiritual tools so that if there is a need to “shelter-in-place” we will be comfortable and safe.

However, we must also store-up on SOURCE LIGHT that flows to us as we pray and meditate. So, we must all increase our LIGHT QUOTIENT.

Try to remain calm, and thus, out of states of fear and anxiety. Pronounce the “Pranava” (“Cosmic Sound”) mantra of “AUM” whenever necessary.

Mantras are universal. Yes, they have been revealed by SOURCE to ancient “Rishis” (“Sages”) in the Sanskrit language.

However, they are SACRED DIVINE SOUNDS for everyone. Wearing a prayer mala onto which “AUM” has been recited on each bead is also very calming, healing, and protective.

Share this article with those whom you feel will appreciate it. There will be those who are critical and scoffing.

However, remember this proverb: “THOSE WHO CAN TEACH, DO SO.

In other words, those who are the most ignorant are critical of those who are intelligent.

A truly righteous person will follow the scriptural advice which states: “STUDY TO SHOW THYSELF APPROVED” (HOLY BIBLE) as well as the advice of: “THE INK OF THE SCHOLAR IS MORE PRECIOUS THAN THE BLOOD OF THE MARTYR” (HOLY QU’RAN). All truly Divinely-revealed information speaks about the importance of obtaining knowledge.

Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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