Sunday, September 22, 2024



From Your Hostess of Light

By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Posted on September 22, 2024


From your Hostess of Light

As we move closer to the boundaries of time our very human heart of divine proportion becomes fractualized, showing us the many pieces of the past, the future, and all things in between.  Adjectives adverbs and a few pronouns ‘Rise from the Past’ making their way into our thoughts as we continue to ‘explain ourselves, To Ourselves.’


Everything comes to Corral us into a place of seeing 360 degrees stationary. Everything Tom, Dick, and Harry now comes as a simulated reminder of that which we have not dealt with, what we have not finished, what we have not cleared from our heart. Everything we swept under the bed, under the carpet and under the past, now is brought to the surface by an emotional haboo.(sand storm) causing Emotional dust particles (sinus stuff/3rd eye opening) to activate. 


Seasonal healing comes to the surface as the leaves of old change color and denomination releasing themselves in a beautiful flight and a new Pattern of Destiny. The collective of all that is within, asks to be healed, needs to be forgiven, and needs to be loved into freedom; like freeing a clutch of baby dragons on their first day of flight knowing in your heart it is their destiny to be Guardians of the Sky.


As dimensional fractures become an everyday initiation laced with earthy teachings, we find ourselves sailing down new corridors of time without a gps or any oars. What was long sought  within self, within history, and text, now slowly shifts sidestepping the laws of expectations and physics. We all have become Navigators in patterns of new dimensional light. Like lights slowly dimming in a Great Banquet Hall, one does not always feel or sense the change when sitting still in the arms of time. Humanity has developed an innate ability that allows them to see into the past and future while riding the now. Each experience is decoded with a different encryption using a different reference point.

We all come around a blind corner as we move our awareness into the last 3 months of 2024.  Everything now mirrors what we need to address most, to heal most, to remember the most! Some days we just want to just stay home and close the drapes of our souls, but life demands active participation and she always gets what she wants.  So many truths from so many lifetimes come to torment us parading naked around our subconscious.  Every thought, every word and every action, alters the universal presentation, and permeation of the pixels of life.


Truth itself is a shapeshifter


As we look at our planetary mother on a daily basis we ask what the heck happened, what went wrong and when can I get beamed up Scotty? We look at all the planetary perception of evidence, the thickness of truths, and we sit in a place of complete confusion. Truth is a living energy, within it lives a multi-dimensional faucet that has a constant drip. Truth itself is a shapeshifter adjusting itself to the holographic projections and expectations of each and every person. Just like a living quantum particle truth shifts when it is observed, just like a shy 5 yr. old.

Everybody’s truth is a different denomination and flavor. We are like a jumble put together sticky layer by layer Thru Time and Circumstance. We all wear our truths like a merit badge, displaying what we believe from the inside. As we move our consciousness into a place of quantum entanglement, via thought, deed and response we will see the actual Horizon of truths rise from a black hole horizon. Everything and everyone is changing so fast even the weather cannot even keep up. We are all at a Crossroads in our heart, in our thoughts, and interactions as the entire planet looks for clues to understand the chaos more clearly. Deep within each human on earth lives a ‘cave of knowledge’ a place deeper than deep, yet so accessible by desire. (anyone for spelunking?)

To have or not to have


The very vibration of the word ‘have’ is numerically a number 8. Within that configuration lives the vibration of infinity wrapped around the life force of As above So Below; like a Cosmic Caduceus.  Each and every day we as humans have needs.  Within our own consciousness lives the words ‘to have or have not’ it is our personal molecular echo thru time. In this quantum muddle of thoughts lives the very recipe of creation.


In one's linear thinking there's always a crossroad with no stop signs, no warnings of things to come. Every thought has a vibratory flux that extends itself beyond the boundaries of your body; It Ripples and twists and dances like a 2-step cowboy during a dust storm not really knowing which way to turn. as we walk toward the end of 2024, These upcoming energies are asking us to Corral what seems impossible.  We are all directors’ producers’ actors and backups in our own creational Broadway Extravaganza. Do we stick to the pre-written scripts of destiny or do we extend our selves past that place of time? Do not give your power away to an outside world that fluctuates with every comment.  Stand as a great pillar of Hope for yourself and the future of the planet.


 On Earth there is a timeless clock that ticks and whispers with every living breathe. When you do not have enough time, energy, money, love or drive it is at that very lowest point in time that a curvature in space invites you into a place of cosmic emptiness. Within the emptiness lives all things, all outcomes, all desires, one only needs to see the fullness and plenty within the emptiness! When you sit too long in a place of have not, you literally ‘tie a knot in your supply hose’, allowing just a dripple.



"Veil Piercing"

Dream Amethyst Crystals



Dream Amethyst (aka Chevron Amethyst) is a combination of Amethyst and White Quartz, growing together naturally to form a powerful V-striped pattern of Light. The beautiful stone that is created combines the strength and enhancing qualities of white quartz laced with Violet Light. This symbiotic combination creates a powerful spiritual stone which can gently remove the veils of illusion that obscure the hidden meanings of many questions. Chevron Amethyst is one of the best stones to work with for enhancing intuition on every dimension and level. It deepens the meditative state, improving the quality and frequency of inner and outer visions.  Use this crystal to help remove resistance to change, while dissipating and deterring negativity. This crystal creates a strong healing field around the user which can be applied in any dimension. This powerful stone can heal past-life traumas revealing hidden-(secreted away) layers so that you can better understand all that lives beneath the surface. 


Chevron Amethyst’s healing properties are interlocked with each other as it takes both Purple Amethyst and White Quartz to create Chevron Amethyst. The purple of the Amethyst is enlivened by the band of White Quartz running through the stone in a “V” formation (like a flock of Canadian Geese in flight.) The ‘V’ represents many things: victory, velocity, the #5 in roman numerals, Venus, in Sumerian text V represented the female aspect. When the ‘V’ is placed on its side < > it is a symbol for lessor than and Greater than. The white quartz “V” formation amplifies the energy of the Amethyst.


Chevron Amethyst can help pierce the veil of illusion and allow one to see the world as it truly is giving us the strength to face the bottomless pit of truths we may find along the way. The "veil piercing" nature of the stone is felt on every level. Chevron Amethyst can help open and clear the crown chakra so that we may receive guidance and wisdom from higher realms. If you've ever felt "stuck" like you're not quite seeing the whole picture, Chevron Amethyst will help to clear away inner or 3rd eye blockages. This stone's ability to cleanse and purify the aura makes it an excellent choice for anyone who wants to protect their energy field from outside influences. You can use Chevron Amethyst to cleanse the aura encouraging spiritual healing, and enriching psychic abilities.  Use this stone if you have resistance to change. This stone creates a strong healing field around the user, speeds up the healing process and strengthens the immune system. The white chevron V is for Victor & Victory it symbolizes resistance, freedom, peace, liberation, and equality. Victory is so much more than just winning a war; it is about building a better, more ‘just world’.


This crystal is a Double Terminator; it absorbs, amplifies and emits energy from both ends at the same time, making it a great stone for cleansing and balancing, creating a double hitter effect. Use a Double Terminator as a bridge between any two things - two energy points, two chakras, two people, two places, - or between Spirit and Matter. A double termination emits energy simultaneously at both ends, allowing multiple levels of energies to be simultaneously activated. With double terminators the healing intention is set to the highest good for all, However, use it with caution and awareness. They can move energy effortlessly through both ends of their matrixes; all thoughts count when working with these power-houses. Double terminators also increase telepathic abilities, enhance psychic abilities, aid astral projection, and dream work.

When you see Geese flying along in "V" formation


Each bird flaps its wings creating uplift for the bird immediately following behind. By flying in "V" formation, the whole flock adds at least 71 percent greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. People who share a common heart direction can get where they are going more quickly and easily because they are traveling on the thrust of one another. When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and quickly gets back into formation. When the head goose gets tired, it rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point. Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. When a goose gets sick or is wounded and falls out of formation, two other geese fall out with that goose and follow it down to help and protect. They stay with the fallen goose until it is able to fly or dies, and only then do they launch out on their own, or with another passing formation to catch up with their group.



One Shaman Stone & One Sahara Desert Circle Stone 


The shaman is the person who sees thru time into a sacred interdimensional world and shares their visions with those that will listen. Shamanism is an ancient method where one enters an altered state via herbs/roots etc; The altered state is used to gain wisdom upon the spiritual journey.  In the journey the shaman encounters helping spirits. The spirits provide guidance. The shaman's journey is about seeing the earth as a sacred and living being that responds to your every word. It is embodying the sacred in the simplest of ways. (KISS: Keep it simple shaman)The shaman brings their sacred visions forward in time to heal themselves, the earth and the people. By having visions during sacred ceremony the shaman awakens the ancient magic of healing and the visions come true.


Shaman Stones (Moqui balls / thunder-balls) are a earthy talisman and provide protection for the body and mind by shielding from negativity; When placed on the 3rd Eye this stone heightens spiritual abilities. A Shaman Stone is a miniature Mother Earth, nurturing, whole-hearted, and reassuring. This is a very grounding stone that absorbs stress-filled environments. Shaman Stones unlock a very ancient instinctive side of us when we repeatedly work with them, allowing them to get to know us on a deeper level. Shaman Stones can connect you with your animal spirit guides enhancing psychic abilities; Shaman Stones are deeply connected with the Earth. They are both grounding and energizing helping with the purification of negative energies.


Stone Circles from the Sahara Desert. A circle of any kind is a protected sacred space for Divine Light to enter.  Stone circles can assist us with reconnecting with the natural rhythms of nature and the power of the cosmos. A circle, with its endless, unbroken line, symbolizes infinity, unity, wholeness. The circle's shape suggests protection, embodying the idea of a sacred space within a sacred space. Circles are graceful. They are warm, comforting and shielding. Their measure suggests energy fused with power. Their completeness shows the infinite, unity, and harmony. The spiral is the age-old intuitive symbol of seeking spiritual knowledge by connecting with God.


How to use your ‘shaman portal set’.

It is best to use a pendulum of some sort, hold the pendulum in your dominant hand, holding the shaman stone in your other hand. Align with the circular red-earth stone allowing your pendulum to dangle above it. As they connect you should see the pendulum respond to the stone circle. You open the circle by asking the pendulum to go right and close the connection by moving the energy left.  Allow the completeness of the circle to move you thru time.


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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