Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Great Go

Great Go

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on September 24, 2024

On 18 September at 18:45, Co-Creators unveiled the new op, which will be lasted at least up to the Solar eclipse on 2 October 2024. On the Earth’s Subtle Plane, they started shrinking to point the entire global negative energy and destructive substances, using the highest power of the Full Moon, eclipses corridor and other stelliums’ radiations (see – September Litmus, DNI, 29 August 2024). In the Pleroma, four Supreme Hierarchs back the work. For now, remains undisclosed what will follow next – intensified processing of accumulated mass, or its annihilation by blast, or something else.

In any case, tensions in the terrestrial field will increase, further exacerbating the general situation and complicating the lives of each of us. This also applies to those for whom the current incarnation on Earth is the last and serves as a leaving examination, a great go, before entering the new dimensions or remaining in 3D.

As our Monad’s manifestation body carriers, we can incarnate on this planet up to 666 times, although previously could do it up to 777 times, but due to karma, own and of Darks, the number of attempts has decreased. No matter how many of them there is – one, two or the whole set, during the evolution on 3D Earth, our Soul receives the necessary experience and knowledge to move to the next level of development. By analogy with earthly educational institutions, some learn the curriculum faster, in just a few lifetimes, some slower, hence such a big difference in embodiments here.

However, sooner or later, the entire program is completed, experience and knowledge are gained and assimilated, the physical body is transmuted, and karma and cellular memory are completely cleared. We are ready to move to the next, higher dimensional continuum, and the Karmic Council gives us the last, examining incarnation. Like all the previous ones, it presupposes the total oblivion of our past, terrestrial and cosmic. We are born and live without knowing anything about already purified personal karma and own mission strictly up to a certain moment.

No one can live absolutely impeccant and errorless. Therefore, we volens nolens accumulate new karmic debts. At the right time, Karma Lords activates a correction program, actions that encourage us to Spiritually awaken and realize our mission. A new process of burning karma and cleansing cellular memory begins. If we are aware of the higher guidance and behave correctly, following the Higher Self, then we quickly get rid of negativity.

The life of graduating finalist is always very difficult and dramatic. During this time, we live in accelerated mode the total experience of all our past embodiments. Clean up not only own cause-and-effect chain, but also purify (or redeem) from the negativity or non-working of our family and the whole stem. As a rule, karmic debtors agree on this with the one, who incarnates last in gens and closes the evolutionary round of the entire genealogical line before the finalist’s birth. And this process he/she must do CONSCIOUSLY.

How to recall our cosmic essence and mission? By don’t taking on selves the others’ responsibility. Just shine and remember that we are our own authority. Don’t participate in something that syphon off our energy without giving anything back. If a person wants to wake up, but doesn’t succeed, then he continues to deceive himself. In this world, readiness and maturation are the result of a process and a path. Sooner or later, everyone matures. Only the self-deception prevents it. We need a willingness to possess what want to achieve. True readiness comes from the Soul, not from the ego.

There is no point in dragging the sleepers with us, because this is their choice. Our task now is to promote the awakening of those, whose Souls are ready for the Transition to 4D and 5D. By their example and help who help themselves, they lead others, exuding empathy and love, which heals, harmonizes and increases vibrations, personal and of entire terrestrial space.

Currently, the number of concluding incarnations on Earth has increased significantly. At a certain point, Karma Lords subjects the finalists to a decisive, usually the most tough tests. And if we clearly understand that this is a maturity exam and a unique chance, then, we will stand up and not throw selves back millions of years. All our talents, everything we have learned in this and past lives, all our strong qualities will help to comprehend our essence, recollect our cosmic memory and understand our tasks, having received the necessary answers.

Why don’t the Higher Selves reveal our multidimensional past and former abilities upon request? As soon as we are ready, they unlock, but our consciousness must withstand the info-energy flow, perceive the data objectively, think only for ourselves, and be ready to see the true picture, no matter how unusual it may be. For many, the clairvoyance, clairgnosis, telepathy and other capacities are blocked due to selfish or malicious use in past lives. These gifts are given only for the good service of people; otherwise they destroy their bearer and become a curse in all incarnations. If we have drawn the right conclusions about our purpose and continued our mission to help and create for the benefit of others, then our abilities will be unsealed.

Over the past millennia, we have passed through many difficult trials. And every time, even when were killed, remained faithful to the Source, without betraying It in our hearts, although were disfigured, broken and destroyed mercilessly…In this incarnation, we set a cool goal – to totally, 10,000% manifest selves as the Highest Beings here, on this toxic and aggressive 3D planet, in tighten physical matter. All our difficulties are related to the strength of the challenge we have thrown. Because this is a challenge to self (and the System) that activated all obstacles and uncovered debts in all our incarnations and epochs.

Since the end of March, the Earth’s vibrations have been rising rapidly and exponentially. More and more high-frequency quantum fluxes and plasma energy are coming to the planet. The old 3D Matrix is actively trying to block them and promote the Agenda 2030, the new old scenarios where our world awaits only slavery and destruction, pain and suffering (see – Intervening, Part 2 , DNI, 17 September 2024). In contrast, a new world is being built in parallel, only on a different basis and on the 4D and 5D frequencies.

Two antagonistic scenarios collided at the same point. And we face another choice, but the most fateful and significant for us and the surrounding space. Parasites crave our living Souls, their vital energy, in order to maximize their existence at the expense of our emotions and way of thinking. Lower our Luminosity and vibrations as low as possible so that the negative scenario and the vampiric reality are filled with life force and continuously restored.

The strength of the lower layers is felt more than the upper ones, so the System and Power Pyramid hope that many egos will fall for offers of money, domination, magical abilities and other lures. Other methods are unknown to them or don’t work anymore due to the high vibrations of the new, 4D and 5D space, with which animal greed, self-seeking and the desire to run and command others are simply incompatible.

Because of that, the government begins to transform to the frequencies that remain available to them, i.e. the human lower classes, poisoned by anger, aggression and other negativity. They are trying to use what they can still control, find sources of energy in those who haven’t yet wired, and lure them to their camp by any means. They understand that zombies and clones are no longer suitable as batteries, and large embodied and conscious personalities are needed, who are still “on their own”, i.e. outside the parasitic egregores.

Under the influence of the latter, a lot of chaotic thought forms are created (fear, aggression, hatred, anger), which are supported by people’s attention and faith in what is being said from screens and in MSM. In this way, egregores use the perception of unconscious masses to form events at the local and planetary levels. If we don’t feed by our attention the destructive branches of reality, there would be less chaos in the world. The pollution of the information field is caused only by us, and then, we ourselves become victims of own thoughts, and our energy goes to support many political, social, religious and other egregores.

But the paradigm of the new space also consists in the fact that men begin to run egregores, and not vice versa. This is helped by the scenario that Co-Creators boost with their new operation, started on 18 September. It has completely opposite goals – unity and cohesion, Love and kindness. Accelerate the transmutation of our bodies, cleanse from negativity and help heal from the inside, erase the programs of death, disease and everything that destroys and kills us. Now all comes down to our choice. How much the Soul will prevail over the ego, the three-dimensional mind and thinking. This is exactly what our great go before Earth’s school graduation is about.


 Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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